Notes for Season One, Episode Two (#1.002)
This post contains notes made during my most recent viewing (September 2019) of Twin Peaks season one, episode two. It contains spoilers for later episodes.
Red text indicates deleted dialogue. Please forgive the disorganized nature of this post.
Warning: There is one GIF of flashing lights at the end of this post.
Red text indicates deleted dialogue. Please forgive the disorganized nature of this post.
Warning: There is one GIF of flashing lights at the end of this post.
- JERRY {From the script}
A mistake in naming Audrey as the eldest.
- From the script: "...and here goes Jerry with brother Ben Horne, long gone like turkeys in the corn." This is similar to the line said by Laura in Fire Walk With Me. Mark Frost and David Lynch wrote this episode.
- As Steven Miller of Twin Peaks Blog pointed out, Audrey appears to be drinking wine with her evening meal.
- From 4:42 to 4:45, as Ben tells Jerry the deal with the Norwegians is over, a few chords from The Norwegians can be heard - the same song that plays as Audrey foils the deal in the pilot.
- The script has Jerry sitting near the fireplace speaking on a headpiece to Icelanders. In the episode, Ben breaks the news about the Norwegians leaving, meaning the script does not introduce the audience to the change in protentional clients.
- Jerry is one of the few people who is not greatly upset by the news of Laura's passing.
- Jerry asks what happened to the Norwegians. Ben says he's not 100% sure. They took the translators with them. This doesn't make sense. Ben confronted Audrey in the last episode, knowing she was responsible for them leaving en masse. He told Audrey he would send her to a convent if she ever pulled another stunt like that again.
- In the televised episode, Ben and Jerry ride a boat to One-Eyed Jack's piloted by a helmsman. In the script, Ben is driving his boat. The latter makes it seem as though he has the ability to travel to Jack's whenever he wishes without others knowing. Jerry and he ride on Black Lake - the body of water where Laura's body was found. Also, Jerry is supposed to have infrared night vision binoculars. Was this information meant to act as a clue that Ben could have somehow been involved?
- When Ben says, "Hi, Sailor" he throws something into the water. A cigar maybe?
- (Of Philip Gerard) Cooper: "Did you question him?" Hawk: "Negative. I pursued but he got away." In the televised version, Hawk follows Gerard. Once he sees that Gerard is headed toward the morgue, he acts as though he does not wish to follow Gerard into such an area or does not see the need. In the scripted scene, Hawk follows Gerard to a stairwell where the other man is said to seemingly disappear.
- Ben owns an establishment called One-Eyed Jack's - or simply Jack's - and is then later revealed to be a father-figure to a man known as Jack. Ben's neglected son's name is Johnny. John = Jack.
- The footage of the female bartender may have been an insert shot. Ben and Jerry come in as scripted, and the camera cuts to them. They come up instantly - though the bartender was just called. She does not appear in the script. It sounds as though she is addressed as Kim at one point. The actress is credited as Kim Lentz.
- When Ben says Jerry's name, trying to catch his attention as the 52 Pick Ups enter the room, his voice sounds strange, almost as if his mouth is full or his voice was added later in an overdub.
- In the script, Hawk said, "Everything else is good except that at ten o'clock there was a one-armed man snooping around intensive care." In the televised episode, Hawk says, "This afternoon."
- O was the name of Jacques' bird before it became Waldo. J. James. L. Laura. T. Theresa. R. under Laura's nail.
- Freshly Squeezed plays while Dale is reading the note from Audrey.
- I don't believe Audrey is a coward for slipping notes under Cooper's door. She wants to be mysterious. Not speaking with him face-to-face says so much more about her personality than is possible with the mere exchange of words. I think she wants him to imagine, to not know things about her, just as she doesn't know him. I think she likes not knowing. Learning is part of the adventure. Sometimes an answer is better left unknown.
- On the ring finger of Laura's left hand. Under the nail on the ring finger of the left hand of Theresa Banks.
- When Leo turns the flashlight on himself, it has the same electrical sound effect as the sign outside One-Eyed Jacks.
- Bobby still has bruising from where his father hit him.
- When Bobby says, "Supposed to leave it in this stupid football," it looks like Mike is mouthing a word. He was supposed to say, "Is it there, is it there?" twice in the script, but he only says it once in the episode. Another added line seems added in "He's got a gun."
- Leo is wearing denim on denim.
- The masked man is not mentioned in the script.
- A sound effect used with events of a paranormal nature plays when we see the masked man. The sound is often associated with BOB.
Is it of any importance that it is described solely as Leland's bedroom?
- Black oil on Ed's hands.
- Why does Ed enter the house to wash his hands? If the sink in the shop is not functioning, wouldn't the Hurley's have a garden hose outside?
- Though Nadine is supposed to be watching Invitation to Love in the script, the TV is not on as she rows.
- On Invitation to Love, Jared was thinking about suicide while Shelly was watching.
- The broken dishes mentioned in an earlier deleted scene can be seen when Shelly turns off the TV.
- A mark on Shelly's cheek almost looks like a cigarette burn.
- Shelly and Bobby are both bruised.
- When Bobby comes to see Shelly, he doesn't appear to have as deep of bruising on his face as he did when he saw Leo. It's there but very faint. The scene where Bobby and Mike meet Leo in the woods was scripted as appearing after this scene. Bobby visits Shelly.Bobby meets with Leo.
- Dark music plays when Cooper shares how a dream he had three years ago led to him gaining his deductive technique. The music is a kind that swoops down; reminiscent of a bird leaving a tree. It reminds me of Earle's theme or something similar. It is a strain of music that plays in accordance with moments of darkness. It is not a good sign concerning Dale's dream. It plays from 22:49 to 23.08. 23:03 is when that strain of music is most heard.
- Cooper gathers the most important members of the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department to demonstrate his deductive technique. In the script, the dialogue is as follows:
Nervous about meeting "J" tonight. Remember also that under the nail on the ring finger of Laura's left hand we discovered the letter...
Points to where this is written along the top right side of the blackboard.
"R." In addition, under the nail on the ring finger of the left hand of Theresa Banks, the girl who was murdered last year, we discovered the letter "T."
He writes the letter "T" next to the "R."
Today however we're going to concentrate on the "J's." (Cooper circles the letter J) Harry, if you would, when I give the word, would you please read aloud each of the names we've written on the blackboard, all of whom had a direct connection with Laura Palmer.
What we hear in the finished episode is:
Nervous about meeting "J" tonight. Remember also that under the nail on the ring finger of Laura's left hand we discovered the letter...
Points to where this is written along the top right side of the blackboard.
"R." In addition, under the nail on the ring finger of the left hand of Theresa Banks, the girl who was murdered last year, we discovered the letter "T."
He writes the letter "T" next to the "R."
Today however we're going to concentrate on the "J's." (Cooper circles the letter J) Harry, if you would, when I give the word, would you please read aloud each of the names we've written on the blackboard, all of whom had a direct connection with Laura Palmer.
Cooper's voice is different when he says the word, "today" indicating the dialogue may have been recorded and removed.

As others have noted, the letters "R" and "T" are written on the board. They are not circled at 23:28

The "R" and "T" are circled after we return to Cooper at 23:32.
If you study the circle around the "J", you can tell the shot of Cooper drawing the circle is from another take.
- When Cooper is giving Truman the instructions to also briefly state the connection of Laura Palmer and the person with a "J" name, Hawk can be seen standing close to Cooper, listening. When we see Truman and Hawk, Hawk is not as close to Cooper.Hawk listens.The next frame. Both stills were taken at 24:13.
- The same dark music that played when Cooper was talking about the skills he gained from his dream plays as the bottle is shown after being struck.
- "Can you believe this?" Harry asks Cooper, "Hawk found this half mile down the tracks from the crime site." A plastic evidence bag is passed to the FBI agent. Inside is a washcloth covered in blood. That same music plays. The struck cord with the cloths close-up. Note that it has what appears to be a circle of hair or skin in its middle. The blood seems to expand from the circle, as though whatever that mass is once bled, like a strip of flesh.
- The script has one of Albert's assistants light his cigarette. In the reception area glass, you can see one of the assistants reach into his pocket for the lighter. In one frame, the flame is visible. Pay attention to the glass at Lucy's side.
- It is definitely Lynch's voice at 34:13. "Good-night, Ed!"
- Pete's line to Josie, "Here's the key," sounds as though it may have been added after filming. Though, Mr. Nance's mouth does move in saying, "The ledger's inside."
- In the script, after being told to leave Catherine's room, we were supposed to follow Pete down a hall to Josie's room, where he gave her the key. This scenario makes greater sense than to have Josie stand outside the door to Catherine's room, waiting.
- Catherine calls Ben in a deleted scene asking him where he went while she was stood up. This makes it even worse when she finds the One-Eyed Jack's chip in his pocket.
- Catherine says, "What was that FBI man doing up here today?" This is proof that the scenes are out of order. This scene was meant to be shown the previous night when Josie was questioned.
- In the script, Leland was searching for the right song to play while standing by the record player. He tried more than one record. Perhaps the opening close-up of the painting may have been incorporated as a means of disguising removed footage.
- Dale was dreaming at the same time Sarah had a vision.
- We hear the BOB musical/effect strike in Cooper's dream. We hear another strike of a different kind when we see the candles extinguish. We hear the wind when Dale is shown sleeping before we move to the Red Room. Then a low humming sound that sounds like something I may have heard in a song, but it almost sounds melodic and like a machine at once. It reminds me of the Owl Cave music, and it may be. It fades out as we move to the red room.
- Why does Mike tell Cooper he'll share secrets if they meet? When they do meet, the only topic is BOB.
- A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN who looks exactly like Laura Palmer, sits across from Cooper in another easy chair. If the young woman is not Laura, how is it possible for her to whisper the name of her killer? How does Laura later write of this event in her diary if it did not happen to the real Laura?
- There is a soft sound almost like a bird call that accompanies the sound as The Man From Another Place conjures the bird behind the curtain. The sound is at 43:30,43:37 (very faint) 43:47.
- I just had a thought. What if Laura, when she places her finger to her nose, is saying to Cooper, "You're a secret I'll keep." Or "You're a secret." She keeps her index finger out almost as if pointing to him.
- No, it can wait till morning. Dale's eyes stare out to nothing, moving only a little. Is he still dreaming? If Cooper was still asleep, it would make sense that he needed a jarring to remember the dream. Cooper is definitely not himself after his call with Harry. The way his eyes move slightly is unnerving. That's why I think he's still asleep or somewhere else. His attitude, "No. It can wait till morning," seems odd as well.
- Cooper snaps his fingers as he ends his phone call with Harry. My sister pointed out that Cooper may be snapping his fingers while Laura whispers in his ear. His head seems to move slightly.
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