The Owl Cave Symbol's Possible Connection With The Odal Rune
This post discusses the Owl Cave symbol's resemblance to an ancient rune called the Odal Rune (also known as Othila Rune, Norse Rune, Odhal, Odthal, Ogthala, Otael, Othal, Othala, Othalan, Othilia, and Utal, among others). Its modern usage often maintains unfortunate ties to Neo-Nazis. Their use of the rune as a hate symbol is corrupt and inexcusable. The rune itself is not evil. It is part of an ancient alphabet. It is also a sacred symbol to some, such as practitioners of magic and pagans.
The connection between the rune and Owl Cave symbol came to my awareness after searching for information about the symbol's origins. The image below, which appears on many sites and search engines, was originally posted on the Dugpa forum. The forum thread can be viewed here.
Photo edit created by Dugpa Forum user Jasper.
Those on the Dugpa forum go into greater depth regarding the possible history behind the symbol, including its ties to ancient maize symbolism. One can read other accounts tying the Odal Rune to the Owl Cave symbol here. This post will cover my limited findings. I am not an expert on runes, the Owl Cave Ring, or much else for that matter. All information included in this post is based solely on what I have recently found of interest on various websites.
The Odal Rune did not originally have wings. The modified symbol, one that nearly matches the Owl Cave symbol, is of Nazi manufacture. It was created in the 20th Century when the rune was adopted for Nazi use. The symbol was worn on armbands, appeared on the sides of planes, badges, and was otherwise employed during WWII. It continues to be used by Neo-Nazis to this day. They tie it to the same colors connected to the Black Lodge: red, white, and black. I've read where some Twin Peaks fans have been accused of bearing Nazi symbolism in displaying their Owl Cave tattoos because of this. You can read more on this here. Though the symbol was depicted as facing upward in the original series and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, modern merchandise prefers the symbol inverted. One could assume this change has to do with a wish to be absolved of ties with Nazi symbolism, though that acknowledges awareness of the matter.
According to The Guide to Iceland website,
There is not only one runic alphabet, but several, known as the Elder Futhark, which consists of twenty-four symbols and was in use between the 2nd and 8th Century. Then, in the late 8th Century --or around the beginning of the Viking Age --a shortened variant of only sixteen runes replaced the Elder Futhark in Northern Europe. The shorter version became known as the Younger Futhark, or Scandinavian Runes. Since the Icelandic Age of Settlement began around 870 AD, the younger version is the runic alphabet of Iceland. The oldest runes found in Iceland date back to the 10th Century, but since both the Eddas and Sagas frequently mention runes, we know they've been here from the beginning.
It seems more than a coincidence that the Odal Rune has Norwegian and Icelandic ties. It also seems strange that of all the places in the world, the two parties that showed the most interest in the Ghostwood property, the land housing an entrance to The Black Lodge and its spirits, came from Norway and Iceland. Why did the creators choose those countries in particular? Why was Ghostwood of such interest to people from such faraway lands? One can only guess.
At 6:00 in this video, Sheryl Lee states that her memory of the symbol on the ring is that it's a rune.
The Odal Rune
The ring offered by The Man From Another Place.
The ring in Laura's hand as she wakes.
The ring on Mike/Philip Gerard's finger as he confronts BOB/Leland at the stoplight.
The ring as seen beneath the trailer formerly housing the grandmother and grandson.
The ring in the hand of The Man From Another Place.
The ring worn by Teresa Banks.
The ring on Laura's finger.
The ring on Annie's finger.
Each time the ring is shown in the film the symbol remains in the same position for its bearer, upward.
At first, I wondered if the placement of the symbol determined where its wearer might appear. However, Ray Monroe wears the ring with the symbol facing the same direction as Laura in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me and he is taken to The Black Lodge. When Cooper places the ring on Mr. C's finger, the double is sent to The Black Lodge as well. The original Dougie was wearing the ring when he was sent to the Lodge. It fell from his shrinking hand before he was the same as extinguished.
Wikipedia article on the Odal Rune.
Like astrological signs, the meanings of runes vary from site to site. The predominant meaning of the Odal Rune is inheritance, inherited estate, property, nobility, lineage, possession.
Its letter is O. Its element is most often fire.
More interesting information on the Odal/Othala Rune from this site.
- Polarity: Feminine
- Zodiac correspondences: Earth
- Tarot card correspondences: The World, The Devil (*BOB's comparison to the devil)
- Archangel correspondences: Archangel Cassiel
- Chakra correspondences: Root Chakra and Earth Star Chakra
- Health: bone, skin and teeth (*BOB was a dentist in the original script for the season two finale, Cooper's doppelganger was fixated on brushing his teeth.)
Divinatory Meanings
General: redeemed matter, our spiritual home, fixed property, home, homeland, inheritance, ancestral influence, oneness – Reversed: nationalism, division, greed, debasement of matter, attachment to matter
Love & relationships: settling down together, soul contracts and karmic relationships – Reversed: co-dependency, energy vampires.
From Wikipedia,
Wolfgang Krause (1964) has speculated that the o rune is used as an ideograph denoting possession in the Thorsberg chape inscription. The inscription has owlþuþewaz, read by Krause as O[þila] - W[u]lþu-þewaz "inherited property - the servant of Wulþuz".[4]
Also from Wikipedia
... Possibly related is eupa, eupu a word for "child, offspring"...
Recall that Mike/Philip Gerard said, "Bob requires a human host. He feeds on fear and the pleasures. They are his children."
Cooper also said, "Mike said the people BOB inhabited were his children. Robertson. Son of Robert."
The Rune's connections with letters call to the mind the letters left under the nails of BOB's victims. O, the Odal Rune's letter, is the letter placed under Madeleine Ferguson's ring finger. Jacques Renault's pet myna bird Waldo was named 'O' in the script for episode five.
The Odal Rune's Divinity is Odin. In the script for episode eight (#2.001, May The Giant Be With You) deleted dialogue has Ben say the following of the Icelanders:
BEN: See if the sons of Odin will go for a wire transfer directly to Grand Cayman.
Incidentally, there is a group of Neo-Nazis called Sons of Odin, though I don't know when they were founded.
Othila is symbolic of that which is inherited by the entire clan in both the mundane and spiritual realms. It is as immovable as the land and can't be passed out of the tribe or clan. However, through the institution of marriage those who are outside of the clan can tap into its power by integrating with it.
In a scene from The Missing Pieces, The Man From Another Place says the memorable line, "With this ring, I thee wed" After BOB has declared, "I have the fury of my own momentum", and he is seemingly instructed by the boy to "Fell a victim."
Reversed Description:Othala reversed represents chaos and homelessness—a general lack of roots. Now is a time for you to take care of that which you have, so as not to lose it. Othala reversed is lack of customary order, totalitarianism, slavery, (*as in a slave to BOB's will) poverty, homelessness. Bad karma, prejudice, clannishness, provincialism. What a man is bound to.
Tarot Correspondence: The High Priestess, The Empress, The Moon
Gods/Goddesses: Odin
Color: Deep Yellow (garmonbozia.)
Tree: Hawthorn
Herb: Gold thread
Stones: Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Clear Quartz, Amber
Animals: Eagle, wolf, raven, bear, hound, sheep, cow, swine, cock, hen, horse, bee, salmon, peacock, ibis, octopus, owl
Element: All Elements
Though this is not always the case, the rune's color is most often gold, like the band of the Owl Cave ring, the orbs in season three. Yellow, as listed above, is another color associated with the rune. Recall how in the script for episode nine, Mrs. Tremond refused the cream corn on her plate, saying, "We detest yellow food." The Rune is often associated with wolves, which BOB is said to howl like. Its elements are most often earth and fire. Recall how Major Briggs was monitoring messages sent from beneath the ground and how mounds of earth were connected to the ring. A mound was created after Laura's death, another was made under Teresa Bank's trailer. Jennifer Lynch, writing as Laura Palmer, wrote, "I do not doubt that BOB is aware of my every movement. That this horror who calls himself a man sits up high when the sun shines or perhaps curls up below." The earth would mean nature as well. The woods. The trees. Ties to fire go without need of mention.
Screencapture taken of the Wicked Griffin site listing of words most requested with the Odal/Othala Rune.
The Odal Rune is said to be a binding rune of the runes Gebo and Ingwaz
Images are from the site
Note the similarities between Ingwaz and Cooper's drawing of the Owl Cave pictograph.
The Owl Cave symbol as drawn by Cooper (above) and seen in Owl Cave (below).
The symbol seems similar to the image created by Phillip Jeffries in season three. (Below.)
Some have said Jeffries creates the infinity symbol after the doubled rhombus shape.
The Gebo Rune is primarily associated with partnerships, gifts and sex magick. Recall The Secret History of Twin Peaks' mentions of Aleister Crowley, and how the entity behind the glass was seemingly conjured by the young couple at the beginning of season three. Mark Frost did not deny the latter during a Reddit AMA. Twice I found the Gebo rune connected with victims. I also found it tied with sacrifice.
From JoyofSatan Wikipedia, also used in sex magick and binding spells. Can be used to bind another to an unwanted obligation and can be used in casting love spells. Emerald and jade are the gems used with this rune. When used in Black Magick, it brings pain and sacrifice upon the victim with no reward.
It is associated with magical rings, which give kings the ability to share powers with their followers (*Perhaps the other entities within the Lodge? The garmonbozia was given by BOB to Mike/Philip) as is expected of leaders. The need for exchanged energies and powers to remain equal in amounts is at the heart of the rune Gebo. (*This makes me think of Mike wanting his share, his equal portion, not for BOB to go beyond his means with garmonbozia.)
Elsewhere in Northern lore we find, that there is always a price to pay. Every decision you make requires the acceptance of one thing and simultaneous sacrifice or release of another. For more on that sacrifice, see INGUZ. Self-sacrifice (for honor in battle or for the greater good) is a common theme with the death or warriors. Odin on the tree sacrifices 'himself to Himself' in his shamanic initiation to discover the knowledge and wisdom of the runes. (*Laura giving her life in the end.)
Also according to this site, Gebo's stones are emerald and jade. Note that in the scripts to the original Twin Peaks, Windom Earle wore an emerald ring. We see a closeup of Earle's ring in the series, but it is a band without a stone. The Owl Cave ring's stone is often said to be jade. The popular soap opera, Invitation to Love, viewed throughout the first season of Twin Peaks, featured characters named Jade and Emerald. In season three of Twin Peaks, another character is named Jade.
Also from the mindunfolded site,
Gebo -
Rune number 7 - is the origin of our "lucky seven" superstition. (*David Lynch's affinity for numbers is well known.) It
represents a gift, whether it is a present, an attribute, a certain
skill or ability. (*The gift in my mind being the wearer to its host.) To the ancients, a gift always called for another in
return. So accepting a gift places you under an obligation to the giver -
the gods, destiny, and another person. (*accepting the ring makes you theirs?) Gebo can also mean a partnership
or union, in business or in love.
The use of the gift as a symbol of an oath or a bond is an ancient one. When a lord wanted to ensure the loyalty of one of his subjects, he
would give that person a gift. The gift would create a debt on the part
of the person receiving it, and this debt would ensure his readiness to
serve his lord. Similarly, a gift given between lovers, especially that
of the ring, symbolizes the bond between them. Originally, only the man
gave the ring in a marriage for much the same reason as the lord giving
gifts to his vassals, but today the arrangement is usually more
equitable. Gifts or offerings given to the Gods often carry the same
meaning, representing the giver's love for or loyalty to their Gods. The
giving of a gift implies the acceptance of a debt with the
understanding that the debt will not be repaid.
Think of how the above could tie with BOB and Mike's exchanges in Fire Walk With Me.
The Ingwaz Rune's symbol is connected with the harvest, male sexuality, fertility, and seeds. The latter makes me think of Laura in her seed-like orb in season three. Gerard/Mike asking Cooper, "Do you have the seed?" and the connections with Tulpas in season three. Garland Briggs, in episode 27 of the original series, says, "See if any of these symbols have to do with harvest schedules or ancient calendars. Look for any curious nomenclature."
There isn't as varied or detailed information regarding the Ingwaz Rune. Almost every site I visited contained similar information. Two sites said the basic meaning of Ingwaz is either seed or angel. Other sites claimed that there are ties to a father figure and fatherhood and sexuality (non-incestuous) attached to the Ingwaz Rune along with the aforementioned attributes.
JoyofSatan had this to say,
Converts active power into potential power. Can deprive a man of his masculinity or anyone, male or female of their life force. Like a crystal, this rune stores energy until it is needed. It is a magickal reserve.
In the end, the Odal Rune may not be connected, though knowing that the writers of Twin Peaks were interested in matters regarding the obscure, the occult, and ancient history, there is a chance they came across the symbol during their research.
Twitter user H. Church ( pointed out that when Showtime teamed with Redbubble, asking fans to submit art for consideration for use on official products, the Owl Cave/Black Lodge symbol was not allowed.
Guidelines: Twin Peaks - Redbubble
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