The Blotter On Lucy's Desk
Thanks to @NDNelson for inspiring this post.
In episode 12 (The Orchid's Curse, 2.005), Andy searches for Lucy's sister Gwen's phone number while working at the reception desk. A blotter on the desk has many names, numbers, and drawings. This post documents the words and images I can discern. Screenshots have been brightened for clarity and have text added to mark each legible item of interest.
- A) The letters L-u-k seem to appear. They may spell Luke as the name is seen later.
- B) A winged heart above a rainbow and clouds.
- C) A heart pierced by Cupid's arrow.
- A.) A Margaret Campbell's contact information.
- B.) An abstract sketch, or possibly a hat or a flower in its pot.
- C.) "(C)all Harley Payton "Re" "Duckey Boys #1". "Ducky Boys" may be a reference to the 1979 film The Wanderers. Note the misspelling of Twin Peaks producer and writer Harley Peyton's name.
- D.) The partial word "ness" followed by "me!" and "Me too!"
- E.) J.P. 22 W. Bark St, (illegible) 44 -7171
- F.) (illegible) Paul (Wo)rthington 555-2993
- G.) What can be read doesn't make sense in English. "Wels tasaw
Yo to saw
To be you."
The following are close-ups of the aforementioned image.
A small upside-down note can be read when Andy searches the papers. (Below.)
- A.) Mike Mooneyha (illegible) Tacoma Sperm Bank 555-476 (illegible). Recall that Hank's parole officer was named Wilson Mooney.
- B.) Hot Wheels.
- C.) A drawing of a doughnut.
- D.) This appears to read "Bowser Big Bad Kitty".
- E.) Help.
- F.) Twin Peaks Gazette
Close-up of A. The circled area seems to read, "J.P. 22 W. Bark St. (illegible) 44 -7171"
Close-up of D and E. (Above)
Close up of B and C. (Above.)
- A.) "The Hawk."
- B.) "Bernie Lentz Lives".
- C.) (Illegible) 125 EXT 221 Cindy
- D.) Barney's Beauty Salon 232-1712
- E.) "Duckey Boys" 1990
- F.) Possibly a drawing of stairs, similar to the drawings of stairs in Twin Peaks: The Return.
- G.) No (illegible)
- H.) Dave
- I.) JLS-6392 and LKS-2280
- J.) A drawing of a dark-haired girl in a red dress and tights or pants saying, "There's no place like home." The left arm of her dress almost appears ripped. Her clothing and shoes remind me of those worn by The Man From Another Place and the Jumping Man.
- K.) H.T. and RS 995-5500
- L.) You
Close up of drawing.
- A.) What appears to be a ladder. This brings to mind Dougie's drawings of ladders in Twin Peaks: The Return.
- B.) The two rhombus shapes are vaguely similar to a symbol produced by Phillip Jeffries in Twin Peaks: The Return.
- C.) Triple sixes.
- D.) "Luke".
- F. ) Sep. 05 1990Dougie's Drawing. Note the dark almost web-like mass to which he connects the stairs. It is reminiscent of a drawing on a Post-It note on Lucy's desk.Drawings on Lucy's desk.
- A.) Another Post-It note with both Gwen and Larry's number and the number to Adam's Abortion Clinic. The name that should read Gwen seems to have two letters in one place, one possibly being a V. Though the names are difficult to read, the numbers are the same.
- B.) Skiptown
- C. Call Tony the Tiger 555-4000
- D. Nov 88 Paid.
Alternate Gwen and Larry note. Note that the abortion clinic's number is underlined. The abortion clinic and Gwen and Larry's number as seen in the series during a close-up.
- A.) A cube somewhat reminiscent of the glass box in Twin Peaks: The Return.
- B.) Lucy appears to have written Cooper. NT can be seen before his name, possibly spelling "Agent." The spacing between the letters reminds me of Major Briggs' message for Cooper.
- C.) By Cooper's name is an image that seems to depict the Black Lodge waiting room with its chevron floor and red curtains.
- D.) What may be a symbol similar to the one we saw with Jeffries or the tattoo behind Major Briggs' ear.
- E.) A pattern of circles connected like beads above the agent's name. A
blue triangle dangles as a pendant. A similar triangle frames the T in
the word before C- O-O-P-E-R and one is in the chevron of the floor.
- F.) Jim (illegible) - 8975
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