Pete Martell's Red Plaid Jacket

Pete Martell's Jacket, Twin Peaks, Pete Martell Jacket Identifcation

Pete Martell wears a red and black jacket when he leaves the Blue Pine Lodge on the morning of February 24th to go fishing.

In episode seven (1.007, The Last Evening), Pete wears the jacket when he bravely rushes into the burning sawmill in search of his beloved wife Catherine. 

The lining of the coat is visible in this shot.

Pete also wears the jacket in the Missing Pieces. 

I believe this jacket is a vintage Woolrich Mackinaw Jacket possibly from the 1950s or '60s. From this site, "Constructed from heavyweight wool with high levels of insulation and water resistance, the Woolrich Mackinaw Jacket is usually made up in bright buffalo plaid – typically in red and black – and features four roomy patch pockets and a robust button closure. The Mackinaw jacket has roots that stretch to before Woolrich began, however, their version was designed for lumberjacks and adopted by outdoorsmen as a sportswear piece in the 1930’s, and is often dubbed ‘hunting jacket’."

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The jacket's lining is visible in this promotional image and in a Behind-The-Scenes shot with David Lynch.

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When Pete calls the Sheriff's Department, we can see the green inner cuffs of his jacket. 

The jacket is available in slightly different variations. Pete's has six front pockets - the upper chest pockets are unmatched in size. According to the description on this site it has: "One big game pocket on back with one buttoned opening in each side."

The look, like most in Twin Peaks, is timeless. As fashionable today as it was when it was first introduced.
