The Story Behind Carrie Page's Scream?

I recently had the time to listen to all three of Sheryl Lee's Q&As from the August 16th and 17th North Bend screenings of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. Ms. Lee's grace, radiance, and wisdom translate through the screen and I highly encourage fans to watch them.

During the August 17th, 5:30 pm showing Ms. Lee was asked the following by an audience member, "How do you as the actor, who did it, how do you interpret your final scream?"

Ms. Lee answered, "The scream is, you know for me, it's just a search for the truth of where and what is being called for in that moment. And so, it's a space of non-linear time and collective pain."

In the Behind The Curtain bonus feature for Part 18, we are given the opportunity to listen in on some of the directions David Lynch gave Sheryl Lee for this particular scene. 


"All the stuff comes back."  Meaning all of Laura's memories?

Before Carrie screams, we hear Sarah's voice calling Laura's name, as heard in the Twin Peaks pilot, and Carrie begins to shake in terror. Her eyes relay her fear as she looks upon the house.

From my initial viewing my instinctual belief is that Carrie the same as ceased to be in this moment as Laura's memories were returned to her. 

Ms. Lee saying, "The scream is, you know for me, it's just a search for the truth of where and what is being called for in that moment. And so, it's a space of non-linear time and collective pain."

Non-linear time and collective pain encompassed in a scream, a scream that is great enough to extinguish the lights of the Palmer house. 
